I've been surfing the web and talking to many of my health conscious friends and realized that a lot of my past choices were hindering my weight loss efforts instead of helping them (i.e. lean cuisines, oatmeal packets, energy bars). One of my excuses for not losing weight is that I am always on the go, and my food choices are made based off of convenience and unfortunately, these choices haven't had much nutritional value. So, for the past month, I've really focused on making fresher, more natural food choices and I've really started to notice a difference.
For example, I've traded my oatmeal packets for real steel cut oats with no sugar added. I've also upped my fruit and vegetable intake by sneaking them into my meals to add flavor (like blueberries for my oatmeal). I've also cut down on carbs (no more white rice) and have completely eliminated fried foods. I still treat myself to a good hamburger maybe once a week, but sub the fries out for a salad or soup instead.
With a combination of those restrictions and an added 5 days of exercise a week, I've lost 4 pounds so far. My first weight in I was about 128.6 pounds. This morning I was 124.2 pounds. I've also lost about an inch off of my waistline and butt. My arms and thighs have lost almost half an inch. My clothes definitely feel loose, but not enough to go out and by myself smaller sizes!
I started this plan off doing Insanity, but I found myself being really exhausted and hating life. I don't think my body was quite ready for that kind of intensity yet, so I switched Insanity out for Zumba and I love it. I feel like it's just the right amount of cardio for me and it really works out my core which is my main problem area. Probably after another few weeks of this and jogging, I will try my luck with Insanity again to help myself tone up.
There are also a bunch of supplements and extra vitamins that I feel have sped up my weight loss ever since I started taking them but since this post is getting kind of long, you can contact me if you're interested in knowing more about that.
I am 9 pounds away from my goal and I know that those will be the hardest to lose. I just HAVE to keep going so I can say I did it and finally be happy with myself! I have exactly 100 days until my May 5 deadline....