Friday, November 19, 2010

Ode to my pre-pregnancy body

One of the hardest things for some women is accepting their new motherly bodies. I admit, I've been obsessing over the changes that have taken place over the last 7 months: Constantly looking in the mirror and inspecting every part of my body for that first sign of stretchmarks. Staring at myself in profile view thinking "Wow I'm getting huge!" And scrutinizing myself in pictures because my face is getting rounder. Will I ever look the same again? Is the body that I worked so hard for before my wedding lost forever? My likely, yes. I've come to accept the fact that my bodyframe and skin will never quite be the same and that no matter how hard I fight it, the change is inevitable. The only thing that comforts me is that I am sacrificing myself and my body to bring a baby into this world. My baby.  So with that in mind, I say goodbye to my former self and will happily let go of my stretchmark free stomach, breasts, and buns and trade them in for a body that has experienced the miracle of birth and nursing..No matter what it might look like.

Left: 17 Weeks Pregnant - Right: 30 Weeks Pregnant
During my first two trimesters, it was easy for me to take long walks and continue doing light exercise video routines, but this past month, it has been really difficult for me to remain standing for long periods of time because of the baby sitting on my sciatic nerve (my lower tailbone area). I hope I've prepared myself enough to be in good enough shape for a fairly "easy" labor, but I can only keep my fingers crossed that timing and luck are on my side! With the lack of exercise and the all the cravings I've been giving into (In N Out, WingStop, Ice cream!!), I see the pounds packing on faster and I feel guiltier and guiltier every day that I'm not giving my baby the proper nutrition and activity that she needs. I really have to try and stay focused on remaining fit and healthy, but it's so so hard! I just have to keep telling myself "Healthy Mama=Healthy Baby". Hopefully during my maternity leave, I'll have more time to walk before the sun goes down and will be bored enough to fit in more exercise videos.

I can only imagine what I will look like postpartum. Legs and butt a little more plump. Extra skin on my abdomen. Oh man. I hope I still have the time and determination to fight to remain healthy and fit. As soon as I am given the OK to start exercising again, I plan on getting active, baby in tow, and as in shape as possible before next summer (easier said than done!). I will document my weight loss journey in hopes that it will motivate me to have some kind of progress to share with everyone.

But until then, here's an ode to my pre-pregnancy body. You've been good to me but I'm trading you in for something....better. 
Me at our Honeymoon in Maui May 10, 2010

1 comment:

  1. I think you mentioned that you were planning on nursing (and I am sure you have read and heard this elsewhere) but... My Mom says that it REALLY helps your body (and your baby)! She says that she noticed a huge difference (in her body) from breastfeeding me and not my other sisters.
