Monday, March 5, 2012

Progress Shots

DISCLAIMER: Viewer discretion is advised!

I know I promised before and after pictures IF and ONLY IF I was seeing progress. I've been taking progress shots practically every week and honestly, it's what keeps me going. When this year started, I was seriously to the point of disgust when I would look at myself in the mirror. As the days go on and the pictures start getting easier to bear, I work harder and harder knowing that I'm getting closer to my goal weight and my goal body.

If I could give any piece of advice, I would say to definitely take progress shots of your self at least every 2 weeks. Whether or not you are happy with the results, let it motivate you to keep working harder so you can finally see the results you want.

So, even though I am completely embarrassed to show these, I continue to hope that sharing my struggles and triumphs will keep me motivated, and strike a chord in some of you as well. Because no matter where you're starting, it's always possible to reach your goal!

Day 1 Shot
January 1, 2012
Day 60
March 5, 2012
Yes, believe it or not, that is all me. The first picture is No photoshop, although I did make some adjustments to the lighting to try to match the photos a bit better. Even though I've probably only lost about 8 pounds, I can definitely see that my midsection is getting more toned and I've dropped a lot of the fat. The area that I've noticed the most change in is my butt, but obviously, I won't post a picture of that (lol). 
I only hope that I can keep improving from here. I'm not exactly where I want to be yet, I still have a lot of body fat and would like to tone up a bit more. I really have to start lifting more weights. Lifting might mean that I'll gain a few pounds, but if that equals better pictures..then sure, why not ;)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Making March Count

I felt so motivated in January to get back on track towards a healthier lifestyle, and when I finally started shedding some pounds I cut myself a little more slack in February which was not good. I weighed in this morning at 122 pounds. Only 2.5 pounds lighter than I was at the end of January. I didn't reach my goal of weighing 120 by March and for that, I'm putting myself into overdrive mode.

For the next couple months, I'm going to live and dine by these 5 golden rules (courtesy of Precision Nutrition):

1) Eat Less Calories
2) Increase Protein
3) Decrease Crabs
4) Increase vegetable intake
5) Replace bad fats with good ones

I am definitely proud of myself for making the scale go down instead of up. And I am happy to say that I've stuck to my exercising at least 4 times a week goal. But can I get more serious about losing fat? YES! We just bought a weight set to add to our fitness tools so time to throw some extra strength training into my routine.
Here are a few motivating quotes that have helped me:
  • Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • Energy and persistance conquer all things -Benjamin Franklin
  • The first wealth is health. - Emerson
  • Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it. – Unknown
  • The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win. – Roger Bannister
  • Mental attitude is more important than mental capacity. – Walter Dill Scott

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. – Bruce Lee

Time to restock my fridge and exercise myself to a lighter, leaner me.

Here we go!