Monday, March 5, 2012

Progress Shots

DISCLAIMER: Viewer discretion is advised!

I know I promised before and after pictures IF and ONLY IF I was seeing progress. I've been taking progress shots practically every week and honestly, it's what keeps me going. When this year started, I was seriously to the point of disgust when I would look at myself in the mirror. As the days go on and the pictures start getting easier to bear, I work harder and harder knowing that I'm getting closer to my goal weight and my goal body.

If I could give any piece of advice, I would say to definitely take progress shots of your self at least every 2 weeks. Whether or not you are happy with the results, let it motivate you to keep working harder so you can finally see the results you want.

So, even though I am completely embarrassed to show these, I continue to hope that sharing my struggles and triumphs will keep me motivated, and strike a chord in some of you as well. Because no matter where you're starting, it's always possible to reach your goal!

Day 1 Shot
January 1, 2012
Day 60
March 5, 2012
Yes, believe it or not, that is all me. The first picture is No photoshop, although I did make some adjustments to the lighting to try to match the photos a bit better. Even though I've probably only lost about 8 pounds, I can definitely see that my midsection is getting more toned and I've dropped a lot of the fat. The area that I've noticed the most change in is my butt, but obviously, I won't post a picture of that (lol). 
I only hope that I can keep improving from here. I'm not exactly where I want to be yet, I still have a lot of body fat and would like to tone up a bit more. I really have to start lifting more weights. Lifting might mean that I'll gain a few pounds, but if that equals better pictures..then sure, why not ;)


  1. so PROUD of you!!!!! =) ur soooo getting there.

    I think what I learned is that this is a long process and we got to keep going no matter how small the progress is every week.sigh

    1. Thanks Cheryl!! It really is a long process...60 days and I'm STILL not there?? It's okay...PROGRESS is all we can ask for :)

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