Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life today.

I can't emphasize enough how FAST time has flown by. This year is just about halfway done and it feels like only yesterday when we celebrated Rosalie's first birthday on New Year's Day.

I've been trying to remind myself to live life one day at a time but sometimes, I just get too ahead of myself. Our weekends get filled up pretty quickly and things always come up here and there. Our precious time is constantly slipping through our fingers. I haven't even been able to write a post in so long so here I am, pushing myself to update more often.

Life at home is going great. We're really trying to focus our energy on ironing things out this year so we can be ready to buy our first home sometime in 2013. We're just enjoying each day, trying to fit in school, work, family, love, kids, and friendships. I'm surprised by how well we've managed. I love how in our relationship, we have an understanding of what our priorities should be. In fact, I'm starting to see more now how important that little fact is in a marriage. Making sure that your priorities are aligned will save you from A LOT of headaches.

Rosalie is growing so fast, and like I always say, she's such a joy. We just started "My Baby Can Read" and it feels like such an accomplishment when we see it working! Her little mind is developing so quickly and her mimicking our every move reminds me just how careful I have to be with my actions now that I'm a mom. There's seriously nothing better than hearing her say "mama" and "daddy" and actually knowing what that means! I don't want to promote a "clingy" behavior, but how can I resist when I know that all this beautiful child wants is me? Motherhood gets better each day. I try to take as many pictures as I can so I can remember these precious moments. I've seriously been thinking about writing her letters like in that Google Chrome commercial with the little Asian girl that always makes me cry just so she knows how crazy I am about her. And when she's a rebellious teenager, she'll read the letters and realize why her parents are so paranoid about her going out with her friends without us (lol).

As for my weight loss journey, it is never-ending. Just before Vegas on my May 5 deadline (which I totally forgot to write about), I was 116.5 pounds! 115 was my goal and I got pretty close, so I'm happy about that. Now my main goal is to tone up and continue to strive for healthy weight loss. I started working with a personal trainer twice a week, and she really pushes me to my limit, especially because I'm not used to lifting weights. It feels like I'm constantly sore and I never really heal from our last session before she decides to rip me a new one. But honestly, I'm loving it! I love seeing the changes in my body. I've never felt stronger. It helps that she has given me very specific goals, but the main one is to get my body fat percentage down by 4% and to keep my weight under 118. I'm not so concerned with the scale anymore, but more with how I feel and look. I'm really glad though that I finally took the initiative to lose the baby weight. It was one of the best decisions I've made this year!

Well, half a year left and so much has happened already. Wonder what could be next?


  1. Ria, I am really curious about the My Baby Can Read thing... how much was it for you guys?? How long have you been on it?? Would you recommend it to other parents?? I also think it's such a cool idea for you to write her letters :) I have heard of people setting up email accounts and such, that could be so fun for her later in life :) I definitely plan on doing that if and when I have a baby :)

    1. Hi Jenelle!! It was around $200 bucks but we actually got it as a gift from my mother in law. We've just been doing it for like 2 weeks. It really works! It's funny when they start picking up on things. I wouldn't say they're actually READING but it helps them associate words with pictures so that's kind of cool. I wouldn't say its a MUST but it is fun! I think I will start an email account for her..should be fun!
